Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Happy 8 Months to Me!

Well, the countdown has begun...only 4 more months until my big birthday! Mommy can't believe I'm already 8 months old! I'm getting stronger & a little braver. I'm starting to stand on my own and my Mommy is helping me walk! Watch out world...pretty soon I'm going to run my own marathon!

Just another day at the park...

It's been so warm & sunny here lately, that Mommy & I decided to go to the playground at the park the other day. It is a really big playground that has swings just for me! It was my very first time on the swings --- and I have to tell you --- I think I'm a natural. Just like my Daddy, I'm a natural athlete. Mommy says that we're going to go to the park at lot this summer! I'm so excited!

In my chair...I rule the world...

Well, when Grandma Arnold came to visit me, she & my Mom went to get me my very own chair! It's just my size and I love to crawl around in it ---- sometimes Earl thinks it's his, but I just tell him who the boss is. I look pretty good in it...ahhh, life is good....

Me, Earl & Grandma Arnold...

Grandma Arnold came to visit me the other weekend ---- and I loved it! Ofcourse, she brought me presents! :) I got lots of attention that weekend...but Earl got a little jealous of me, so Grandma had to give us both love...isn't Earl silly??

My Auntie Lizzie's Birthday!!

Guess what my crazy Auntie Lizzie did for her birthday?!?! She came all the way from Floriday to visit me! It was so much fun to see her! We did so much --- we played, shopped & went swimming! We had a birthday party for her at my house and the Greens (plus Justin!) came over. She got sick the last day she was here, but she still gave me lots of love! I love my Auntie Lizzie and I miss her very much!