Monday, November 24, 2008

Check out my stats...

So, I met my new Doctor on Friday and she was very nice! I really liked her. Both my Mommy & my Daddy went with me to my 4 month appt. Daddy even left work early! I got 2 shots...I did very well and only cried a little.

I'm getting so big --- I was in the 75 percentile for height and off the charts for my weight (I'm pushing 17.5 pounds) I get to start eating solids in 2 months. YAHOO!!! Watch out world, here I come!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Doing what I love...

So, I have this new toy...the jumperoo. And boy, do I love it! Whenever I make it jump, it plays songs and lights up. I think Daddy is already sick of all the songs! Lucky for me, I'm so cute, he doesn't mind. Neyland, my golden doggie brother, is a little scared of it sometimes...I just laugh at him though.

I'm such a big girl when I play in it! Check me out!

Monday, November 17, 2008


Today, was my 4 Month Birthday!!!
I'm such a biggie girl!

My Beverly...

I went to G-Daddy's work on Thursday and I got to visit Beverly! I love Beverly...she spoils me...ALOT. She has made me blankets (TONS of them ---- and I LOVE them!), crib sheets, booties, name it, she makes it for me! This time, when I was visiting her, I grabbed her hair and wouldn't let Mommy doesn't have long hair like that, so I had to get my hands on it! But, that's okay, Beverly still loves me! :) And I love her!!

Visiting the Southside!!!!


I went to visit my Grandma Goshert's old work --- and I got to meet so many people! I was very popular, it was a little overwhelming, but eventually I got used to it. I met Deb & Kathleen...they worked with Grandma Goshert for a looong time! In fact, they went to Mommy & Daddy's wedding!

I'm attaching some pictures of me with my Riley Gals! SMOOCHES!

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

How things can change in one short year....

Mommy meant to post this the other day, but I kept her too busy! But, anyways, November 7th was the anniversary of Mommy finding out she was pregnant with me. Can you believe how much has changed in just one short year?? Mommy & Daddy say that they are just so lucky!
Quite a big difference, don't ya think???

One of my favorite things...

So, I've been playing with this thing called an exersaucer...and I tell you what, I really like it! It's so much fun and there is so much to do. Mommy likes it because she can get a few things done while I'm playing! Don't I look like I'm having fun!?!?

Friday, November 7, 2008

My trip to EGH...

Today, Mommy & I went to her old work to say HELLO to everyone. It was so much fun to see all the people that Mommy use to work with. I really liked everyone...and I impressed them with all of my talents. Peggy was impressed that I could spit my pacifier into the trash!

I got to meet my Great MoMo Ruth for the first time ---- she is one of Mommy's favorite people! She is a 2 time President of the EGH Auxiliary & she gave me my pink bouncy seat that I love! Mommy says that when I'm a better car traveler, we'll go visit Great MoMo Ruth at her house and visit PJ & Boomer ----- her cute doggies! Here's a picture of me & Great MoMo Ruth...aren't we a pair of hotties?!?!

Thursday, November 6, 2008


So, my Mom is obsessed with these crazy leg warmers ----- everytime I wear them my Daddy says I look like a member of the Lollipop Guild....

P.S. Thanks for the Brooklyn Onsie Uncle Jake & Uncle Ken!!!

Me & Batman...

So, I met Batman last Friday...and he's a pretty cool guy...I think we make a great crime fighting team, don't ya think???

More about my Halloween...

Like I said in my post below....I had a great Halloween! I got a really cool toy from Aunt Rose, Uncle Mike, Sara & Daniel. I had so much fun! Here are some pictures of us playing with it!!!